Public security monitoring system will identify number plates of 14 countries and, in addition, identify certain persons in mass places. All the compliant functions are stated by Act №181 dated 2 of July 2019 “About single technical requirements for software of video-analytics” prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was published today (08.08.2019) on the National legal internet-portal.
It will unite in one platform all the cameras for video-surveillance, smoke, flame sensors, explosive, narcotic and radioactive substances, thermal imaging and another special identifiers, network channels, data processing center, and other information resources. Software for video-analytics is also included in monitoring system.
According to the idea the system will allow to identify and eliminate the threats of public and state nature, and send the info about current events to appropriate state agencies. The act includes a point about the module of automatic number plate recognition in video-analytical software. Module is to identify not only number plates of Belarusian origin but number plates of Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, Slovenia and Slovakia.
Database with all the identified registration numbers, including date, time, car location and relative motion direction with all the video-references. In addition, video-analytical module will include module of photo and video recognition of current traffic conditions, allowing to monitor traffic jams, wrong-way driving, forbidden zones’ entering, wrong turns and upturns. Also the document mentions automatic face recognition module.
Besides according to all stated requirements monitoring system of public security will allow real-time face recognition while driving. There will be a search of resembling by photo people from both database and data received from video-surveillance cameras. In addition, real-time recognition of several objects in traffic, person identification (specified ones) in mass places, shared operations with database, matching individuals by white and black lists, motion changes of a specified object in a specified zone.
Monitoring system will provide 24/7 observation of mass places and timely reaction-taking on any violations to agencies of internal affairs. These measures will make the running system more effective, make public place safer and will contribute to crime detection and tracking criminals down.
Following Internet-resources
NEWLAND technology LLC designs monitoring and management systems for remote sites. Our solution - Absolute: SmartSite - allows to manage a wide spectrum of tasks on providing security for facilities, such as schools, shopping malls, state agencies or any important infrastructure and civil sites.
- Access control with sending code of electronic keys to monitoring center for the purpose of identifying unauthorized access and counting visits on-site, forming reports of visits.
- Fire alarm: smoke and flame sensors, fire-fighting system monitoring.
- Security alarms inside the building: motion sensors, door opening sensors, perimeter security sensors, external security trails sensors, outside grounding cables control upon its breakage or any violation, siren switch.
- Video-surveillance: motion detection, sending photos upon motion detection.