On May 25-26, 2022, the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus will hold a seminar "Digital development of administrative-territorial units" for representatives of city and district administrations.
At the seminar on promoting sustainable digital development of cities and regions, Director of Newland Technology LLC Semyon Nechaev will present a report “From the Smart City concept to its practical implementation”. During his speech, he will share his experience and opportunities for implementing the elements of Smart City and Smart Region based on our universal IoT platform «Absolute: SmartCloud».
The report of Semyon Nechaev will be about the fact that the digital transformation of cities and regions is not just a fashionable trend. These are ready-made solutions to improve the comfort of the population, create favorable conditions for doing business, increase the efficiency of managing business entities.
To learn more about NEWLAND technology IoT products and options for solving specific problems of digitalizing the infrastructure of settlements, email to us at contact@newland.by and we will send you additional materials and discuss your projects.