We have passed certification in accordance to the standard ISO 9001:2015

LLC NEWLAND technology / 21.02.2019

We have passed certification in accordance to the standard ISO 9001:2015

We are proud to announce that we have passed the audit of management quality system successfully and got a certificate according to ISO 9001:2015 requirements of two standards: international (European) and German.

Certificate ISO 9001:2015 is evaluation of business processes, which states about the fact, that Newland LLC is focused on the quality of provided services, transparency and effectiveness of internal business processes.

Getting a certificate ISO 9001:2015 will stimulate the level of provided services and will facilitate further effective and successful development of business.

The events on evaluation of Management Quality System are held by Belarussian state institute of standatisation and certification “BelGIS”.

ISO 9001:2015