NEWLAND Technology presented their project «Software and hardware complex on the basis of IoT-platform "Absolut: SmartCloud" for "Smart City" at the IT-solutions competition "PROF-IT. Innovation" (Rassia).
The PROF-IT.Innovation competition is an annual event held by the Electronic State Expert Center (Moscow) to identify innovative solutions in the field of digitalization with the possibility of subsequent application in state and municipal government.
This year, 195 projects took part in the competition program, their evaluation was provided by about 300 IT experts - representatives of government agencies and IT communities. The final part of the competition consisted of 38 online presentations.
The work of NEWLAND Technology was presented in the nomination "Projects of foreign companies". Director of the company Semyon Nechaev spoke live about our development — a software and hardware complex based on the universal IoT platform "Absolute: SmartCloud", its functionality and prospects for implementation in the creation of "smart" cities.