NEWLAND technology participates in the exhibition "My Belarus"

LLC NEWLAND technology / 09.01.2025

NEWLAND technology participates in the exhibition "My Belarus"

The exhibition of achievements of the sovereign Belarus "My Belarus" welcomes guests in the Minsk International Exhibition Center "BELEXPO". It is a unique event celebrating our country's capabilities, traditions and breakthrough discoveries in such key areas as industry, science, technology, education and sports. The exhibition is organized in the format of thematic locations "We are the Future", "Smart City", "Beautiful Country", "Science and Intellect", "Nuclear Energy", "Agriculture", "Quality Mark", "Care and Health", "Sports Country", "On Guard", "Cultural Heritage". The exposition area exceeds 30 thousand square meters.

Location Exposition “Smart City” at the exhibition “My Belarus”

NEWLAND technology LLC presents its developments in the location "Smart City". We invite you to the demonstration stand of our company, where you can interactively familiarise yourself with design solutions for creating smart city infrastructure. Digitalisation of cities and implementation of smart technologies allow automating the processes of monitoring the urban environment and engineering systems, increasing the efficiency of resource use, ensuring safety and comfort of citizens.

NEWLAND Technology's demonstration stand at the exhibition NEWLAND Technology's interactive panel at the exhibition

Location: 24 P. Medelki St., Minsk, Minsk International Exhibition Center BELEXPO.
Working hours: Tuesday-Friday — from 12:00 to 21:00; Saturday-Sunday — from 11:00 to 21:00.
Weekend: every Monday and January 26.

Bus №26d runs to the exhibition center. During the days of the exhibition additional bus routes №912e from the metro station "Academiya nauk" and №962e from the metro station "Pushkinskaya" are organized. The schedule and the scheme of routes can be found on the website моябеларусь.бел.