Velcom Сontinues expansion

LLC NEWLAND technology / 14.03.2018

Velcom Сontinues expansion

Velcom acquired a controlling stake of 96.43% of the shares of Gomel Regional Ghetto Center.

"The interest in acquiring large regional operators is conditioned by the chosen strategy of providing convergent broadband services throughout the country," said Velcom CEO Velcom Douz. - It is realized both by creating its own network, and buying existing players in the market. "Garant" - an excellent candidate for the implementation of our strategy. It is a stable operating company with a reliable network and good prospects. We are glad to welcome him to the velcom family. "

JSC Gomel Regional Technology and Trade Center "Garant" is the third largest Internet operator in the country, which provides fixed Internet access services, digital and cable television in Gomel and the Gomel region.

Recall that in November 2016 velcom announced the purchase of Atlant Telecom, the largest private telecommunications company in Belarus. It was reported that after the deal velcom and Atlant Telecom will act as a single company.