SmartSite controller and its modifications


The development of digital technologies offers new opportunities for business, government structures, and ordinary citizens. The "shell" is the concept of the "Internet of Things", which implies the integration of remote objects into a single control network. An object can be anything from a kettle to a rig. The only thing that is needed is a sensor and a communication channel, as well as a kind of "cloud" that collects data from devices and provides the information received in the required form.

In most cases, when designing a remote monitoring and control system, a specialized device (controllers) is used for each object. The result is an expensive complex system with a disparate control mechanism.


We offer a universal controller Absolute for combining various functions: SmartSite

Universal controller Absolute: SmartSite is designed to monitor and control any engineering systems (in conjunction with the Monitoring Center).

The hardware-software complex is designed for:
  • monitoring and management of the Customer's engineering systems;
  • collection and storage of data on systems status;
  • information on changes in the systems state, including accidents and failures;
  • carrying out regular maintenance of engineering systems, including work in automatic mode on schedule.

Centralized solution to monitor and manage remote sites in one interface, which is capable to:
  • manage the positions (administrator, engineer, manager) and access level;
  • classify the types of faulty issues and set-up priorities for them and means how to notify;
  • change the forms of reports by selected parameters either in tables or graphics;
  • set-up scripts to remind of scheduled technical maintenance with notifications to authorized persons;
  • integrate monitoring and management system with other ones to perform more functions.

Absloute: SmartSite - Types of Controllers

The standard version of the controller assumes the following characteristics:
  • All main interfaces (RS485, RS232, СAN, Ethernet, 1-wire, IR).
  • Ability to install a built-in Wi-Fi module or 2G/3G/4G modem.
  • 70 analog inputs for measurement, 16 relays, 14 digital inputs-outputs.
  • In standard control panel on a DIN-rail (full size of 12 modules).
  • From 12 V to 60 V, operating temperature – -40 …+50°C.

Technical specifications of the Light version of the controller.

Inputs: 14 analog inputs for measurement, 4 relays, 3 digital inputs-outputs

Interfaces: RS485, RS232, Ethernet, 1-wire

Modules: -

Installation: In standard control panel on a DIN-rail (full size of 12 modules)

Power: From 12 V to 60 V, operating temperature – -40 …+50°C.

The Light version of the controller is suitable for small automation tasks.

Technical specifications of the special purpose controller version.

Inputs: 36 analog inputs for measurement, 8 relays, 6 digital inputs-outputs

Interfaces: RS485, RS232, Ethernet, 1-wire

Modules: Possible setup of built-in Wi-Fi module or 2G/3G/4G router, USB devices

Installation: In a secured metal enclosure, IP65

Power: From 12 V to 60 V, operating temperature – -40 …+50°C.

This version of the controller is suitable for systems with difficult physical conditions (external factors related to climate or other conditions) in the place of operation of sensors and controllers.

The line includes a special controller for the Linux operating system. SmartSite-Linux has the same features, except for changes in the interface and operating system

Interfaces: 2x Ethernet + RS485 + 2x USB + modem PCIe

Scheme of controller functions and its modifications
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