The new facility was built by velcom according to international standards and will become the 41st in the world telecommunications holding America Movil.
The data center was independently certified by Uptime Institute (UI) specialists and received the Tier III class in the Design and Facility categories. The data center occupies 35 thousand square meters. and allows you to accommodate up to 800 server racks. The total electrical capacity is 8 MW. It is provided by an external power line and three diesel generators per 1 MW each. Integrated management of data center construction was carried out by the engineering organization "Bel Huavei Technologies".
The data center is distinguished by an increased level of reliability. All active equipment is duplicated by the principle of at least N + 1. Each system - from power supply to fire extinguishing - consists of the main and backup subsystems. Guaranteed availability of services is 99.982%. To the data center optical lines of communication along two independent highways are brought.
The data center will operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The engineering infrastructure allows to carry out preventive works and react to force majeure situations without stopping the service. The facility is serviced by a special team of certified engineers with extensive experience. There is also a security service, which conducts round-the-clock observation of the object with the help of 156 HD-cameras of high resolution.
All the clients of the data center are provided with service-free guarantees, according to the SLA. At the same time, velcom assumes full responsibility for the quality of the service. Installation and switching of equipment is carried out according to individual requirements at the request of the client.
In addition, a back-up support network with a length of 43 km is constructed. It connects the data center with the head office of velcom on the International Street and the Network and Service Operation Center on Zakharova Street. The network has a record throughput of 1 Tbit / s.
The data center will work in three main areas. First of all, this is the placement of server and network equipment (Colocation). Secondly, the lease of virtual resources for building the IT infrastructure (IaaS) for any business tasks will be provided. Thirdly, Smart Server is provided for the rental of physical equipment for the deployment and launch of its own software solutions.
"The creation of a data center of this level in Belarus allows us to bring the cloud future closer," said Denis Filazafovich, Deputy Director General of Velcom for Business Services and Cloud Services. - In a new business for us, we relied on the expertise of such global giants as America Movil and Telekom Austria Group. As in the telecom business, we rely on the highest level of client orientation. Our mission is to increase the efficiency of the ownership and productivity of IT infrastructure for our customers. "
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